This is Caden's birthday cake. I made it. Isn't it just FABULOUS!! jk He did stick his finger in the 'a' on birthday, that's why it's kind of weird looking.

It's Caden's birthday today!! I can't believe that he is 2 already! It seems like he was just born. Actually it seems like he was just in my stomach and trying so hard to get out too early. I was sick of holding him back!! I just can't believe how fast time flies and how fast they grow. Everyday is something new, actually probably about every hour. A new word or a new trick. I have been working on teaching him how to say and do 2 when somebody asks him how old he is, but he won't do it. I asked him in the car yesterday how old he was going to be on his birthday, and he said 8. He thought that was pretty funny. I am just continuously amazed at them. Both of them. I can't believe how pretty they are(At least to me!!) And I wonder how we, (Curtis and I), made these beautiful babies. They are gorgeous. I don't see us in them, so that's probably why they're so beautiful. But I guess that's just a mom's perspective!
First of all, I enjoyed your family pics..Yes, your kids are beautiful and let's talk about how cute your hair is!! TOO CUTE!!
And also, I'm sorry I missed his birthday party, I had a reall busy day. But Holy cow this day NEEDS to happen sometime..isn't crazy how crazy all our schedules are?! I laugh about that!
BUt I love ya!!
Hi Kate! Super cute pics! Aren't kids amazing?!?! btw, it's your cousin from should ck out my blog too!
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